martes, 18 de junio de 2024

Where are Sticky Notes stored (Windows 10 - 11)?

 Microsoft keeps moving these around and obscuring the content. That's their right I guess.. :)

Try: C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2021

Arreglar el problema de ExpressCache en algunas laptops Samsung

Backup your drivers to an External Flash Drive or DVD, using Samsung Recovery Solution. (Bear in mind that you don't have any network connection after a clean install and neither a backup partition at your pc)

Make sure your BIOS are set to boot from DVD or USB Drive, by changing priority. If you choose to use a USB, you have to disable "Fast BIOS Boot" as well.

In case of using a bootable USB for the installation, a message might emerge, implying that drivers are not installed and cannot proceed further. Just click "Cancel". Then, you will be brought back to the welcome screen. At that moment, remove the USB drive and plug it back in, to a different USB port this time. Click "Install Now" again. The installation should proceed as usual.

Installing Windows

Insert the istallation media on your laptop.

At the Windows Setup Wizard, select "Custom Install" to view all disks.

At the "Advanced" option, choose to format all disks and delete the SSD.

Press "Shift+F10" to launch cmd. Otherwise, reboot into the Windows Setup wizard and choose the "Repair" option, in the bottom left corner, and in the tools menu choose cmd.

Type in diskpart to get into the partition tool.

Use the commands list disk and list part to determine which disk is what (check size parameters). For me, Disk 0 was the HDD and Disk 1 was the SSD. The following instructions assume this.

Select the HDD: sel disk 0

Delete all partitions on it: clean

Create a 100MB partition for Windows 7 (or 350MB for Windows 8): create part primary size=100 (or size=350)

Format it: format fs=ntfs quick

Assign it a letter: assign letter=f (if F: is in use, pick another one. Use the list vol command to see all volumes and their letters)

Create a partition that fills the rest of the disk: create part primary

Format the large partition: format fs=ntfs quick

Assign it the letter C: assign letter=c

Exit both Diskpart and cmd.

Reboot back to Windows Setup Wizard to install Windows into the large partition that was just created. !!CAUTION!! When Windows restarts your machine to complete the installation, do NOT change priority at the BIOS menu as usual, but instead boot from the installation media, once more, and choose the "Custom Install" option.

There is a great chance that Windows installed its System Reserved partition on the SSD, so choose the "Advanced" option and delete the SSD. Launch cmd (Shift+F10) and type diskpart.

Use the commands list vol and assign to ensure that both the system (F:) and the boot partition (C:) still have drive letters.

Select the system partition (sel vol f) and mark it as active: active

Exit diskpart and at cmd type the command: bcdboot c:\windows /s f:

Reboot and you're good to go.

After the installation

The easiest way to have Samsung's Easy Settings and ExpressCache installed to your machine is through the backup created by Samsung Recovery Solution, since you don't have an internet connection after the clean install. (Even when you get to have one, do not connect during this proccess (because of Windows Update interference) and wait till it finishes)

Browse the DVD or External USB Drive to find the "SystemSoftware" file and launch the "SecSWMgrGuide.exe".

Install "Easy Software Manager".

Install everything from the "Drivers" tab.

From the "Miscellaneous" tab, install "Windows 7 SP1 Critical Updates" and "Windows 7 SP1 common patches".

From the "Utility" tab, install "Easy Settings" and ExpressCache".

Finally, choose any other software you might need.

domingo, 31 de enero de 2021

Error de VPN (No se pudo establecer una conexión al equipo remoto) en Windows 10

Paso 1: Presione la tecla de Windows + X juntas en su teclado y seleccione Administrador de dispositivos en el menú contextual.

Paso 2: en la ventana del Administrador de dispositivos , desplácese hacia abajo y expanda Adaptadores de red . Ahora, haga clic derecho en el minipuerto WAN (SSTP) y seleccione Desinstalar dispositivo en el menú.

Paso 3: repita el mismo proceso que se muestra en el Paso 2 para desinstalar el dispositivo para todos los minipuertos enumerados a continuación uno por uno:

  • Miniport WAN (PPTP)
  • Miniport WAN (PPPOE)
  • Miniport WAN (Monitor de red)
  • Miniport WAN (L2TP)
  • Miniport WAN (IPv6)
  • Miniport WAN (IP)
  • Miniport WAN (IKEv2)

Paso 4: Ahora, haga clic en la pestaña Acción en la parte superior de la ventana y seleccione Buscar cambios de hardware en el menú contextual.

Esto volverá a instalar todos los minipuertos WAN de nuevo como era antes. Entonces, básicamente, los instala recientemente y ahora su VPN debería volver a funcionar.

domingo, 2 de agosto de 2020

Install or Uninstall Connect Wireless Display Feature in Command Prompt

1 Open an elevated command prompt.

2 Copy and paste the command you want to use into the elevated command prompt, and press Enter. (see screenshots below)

DISM /Online /Add-Capability /CapabilityName:App.WirelessDisplay.Connect~~~~


DISM /Online /Remove-Capability /CapabilityName:App.WirelessDisplay.Connect~~~~

3 When the operation completed successfully, you can close the elevated command prompt if you like.

jueves, 18 de junio de 2020

Cómo ver carpetas compartidas Windows Server 2019, 2016, 2012

Para este método debemos combinar las teclas siguientes y en la ventana emergente ejecutamos el siguiente comando:

 + R

Como ocultar la lista de usuarios en Windows Server 2019

Si la pantalla de Bienvenida de Windows Server te aparece asi:

Y no quieres que aparezcan el resto de usuarios a un lado, la solución es bastante simple:

Abres el editor de politicas de grupo (gpedit.msc) >>> Computer Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> Security Options. Enable the policy “Interactive logon: Do not display last user name”. por defecto esta deshabilitada:

  • Interactive logon: Don’t display last signed-in: Disabled
  • Interactive logon: Don’t display username at sign-in: Disabled

viernes, 17 de abril de 2020

How to Clone Your Raspberry Pi SD Card

Raspberry Pis can be fickle. If you’ve ever gotten a corrupt SD card from a power outage, bad cable, overclocking, or other issue, you know how annoying it can be to start from scratch. But we can fix that.

How This Works

I’ve had this happen all too often, and I eventually figured out a good solution. Once I set up my Pi project exactly how I want it, I just use Win32 Disk Imager on Windows to clone an image of its SD card onto my PC. There I keep it, safely, until something goes wrong with my Pi. When that happens, I can just re-clone that image to the SD card, overwriting the broken or corrupt version, and I’m be back up and running in no time. (If you don’t use Windows, you can do something similar on Linux with the dd command.) It’s so simple, every Raspberry Pi user should do it.
This works best with those Pi projects that require initial setup and then just run in the background, doing their thing. If you ever make changes to the Pi project, you’ll need to re-clone the image, but with a lot of projects, this is perfect. For example, I use this technique for my two Raspberry Pis running Kodi—if either ever goes down, I can just re-clone my personal image, and the boxes are back up and running in no time, grabbing up-to-date library data from my home server and MySQL database as if nothing ever happened.
And as a bonus, you can more easily share your Raspberry Pi projects by just writing your cloned image out to a new SD card (or sharing the image itself).
Here’s how to do it.

How to Back Up Your Raspberry Pi Project

When your Pi is set up exactly as you want, shut it down and remove its SD card. Plug the SD card into your computer, download Win32 Disk Imager (if you haven’t already), and start it up. If you don’t have a reader built in to your PC, you’ll need to buy one. We recommend something like this Anker 8-in-1 reader ($10) because you can also use it for different SD formats.
Note: If your Pi project is Linux-based (as many are), you may get a warning that the SD card is unreadable by Windows, and needs to be formatted. That’s okay, don’t format it! Just close the window and move on with the process.
In Win32 Disk Imager, click the blue folder button to select the location for the image you’re going to create. I’ve given mine a name that lets me know which project and Pi in my house it’s for.

Next, choose your Pi from the “Device” dropdown. If your Pi has multiple partitions, choose the first one—but don’t worry, this process will clone the entire card, not just the individual partition.

When you’re done, click the “Read” button. This reads the SD card’s data, turns it into an image, and saves that image at the specified location. Note that this process can take a while. As in, up to an hour or more depending on the size of your SD card.

When that’s finished, pop the card back into your Pi and continue as normal! That project is now backed up to your PC.

How to Restore Your Raspberry Pi Project

Now, if something goes wrong with your card, you can restore it just as easily. First, erase your SD card using these instructions.
With your erased card still inserted into your PC, open Win32 Disk Imager again. This time, click the blue folder and navigate to your saved image. Choose your SD card from the dropdown the same way you did before.

When you’ve got it set up, click the “Write” button. This overwrites the SD card’s data with data from the cloned image.

Note that you’ll probably need to use the same SD card—or at least the same model of SD card—for best results. One brand’s 8GB card may be a slightly different size than another brand’s 8GB card, and if the destination card is smaller than the card the image was created from, it won’t work. (Cloning to a larger card should work fine, though.)

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020

Cómo activar o desactivar asistencia remota Windows 10

Aunque Teamviewer y Anydesk son buenas aplicaciones para acceso remoto (Una mejor que la otra), Encontré que la Asistencia Remota de WIndows hace exactamente lo mismo pero mejor, En las nuevas ediciones de Windows 10, se integra la aplicación moderna de "Asistencia rápida”.

Podemos accesar a ella de dos maneras, la primera, mi preferida (Comandos), Inicio > Ejecutar > msra.exe.
MSRA = MicroSoft Remote Asistant.

La segunda, simplemente oprimimos la tecla Windows y escribimos "Asistencia rápida" o "Quick Assist"


Pero antes de hacerlo debemos habilitar dicha asistencia a nuestro equipo para ello hacemos lo siguiente:

Paso 1

Inicio > Ejecutar > SystemPropertiesAdvanced


Paso 2

La segunda alternativa es ir a la siguiente ruta del panel de control:
  • Panel de control
  • Sistema y seguridad
  • Sistema

Paso 3

Allí damos clic en la línea “Configuración avanzada del sistema” en el costado lateral izquierdo. En la ventana desplegada iremos a la pestaña “Acceso remoto” donde veremos lo siguiente:


Paso 4

Podemos ver que la casilla “Permitir conexiones de Asistencia remota a este equipo” se encuentra activa por defecto, basta con desactivar esta casilla para inhabilitar esta función. Pulsamos en Aplicar y Aceptar para guardar los cambios.


2. Activar Asistencia rápida usando Propiedades del sistema Windows 10

Paso 1

Si por alguna razón es necesario activar esta funcionalidad, debemos ir a la ruta mencionada anteriormente y activar la casilla “Permitir conexiones de Asistencia remota a este equipo” y podremos ver que el botón “Opciones avanzadas” se activa:


Paso 2

Al pulsar allí será posible configurar aspectos de la conexión remota como. Allí definimos los parámetros deseados y pulsamos en Aceptar para aplicar los cambios.
  • Permitir o no el control remoto del equipo (teclado, mouse, etc)
  • Limitar el tiempo en el cual estarán disponibles las invitaciones de soporte remoto
  • Crear invitaciones solo para un tipo de sistema en especial


viernes, 10 de mayo de 2019

Error código 1935 Instalando Microsoft Office 2013 o 2016 en Windows 10

Solución: 1) Abra el editor de registro 2) Renombre la clave :


Repita la instalación sin reiniciar el equipo.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2019

How can I fix a PDF document that was scanned backwards?

There is a better way to do this.

  1. Press Ctrl + P to bring the print dialog.
  2. Choose Microsoft Print to PDF. (Not sure if this is available on windows 7 or lower; else choose Adobe PDF in the drop-down menu)
  3. Press More Options and then check Reverse Pages.
Sample Image

viernes, 15 de marzo de 2019

How to use DISM command-line utility to repair a Windows 10 image

Is your Windows 10 PC slowing you down, and the SFC utility is unable to fix the problem? Then use DISM to repair the Windows image to enable SFC to do its job.

Windows 10 includes a nifty command-line utility known as Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM). It has been around since Windows Vista SP1, and now comes installed by default on Windows 10 and Windows 8.1.

The utility can be used to repair and prepare Windows images, including the Windows Recovery Environment, Windows Setup, and Windows PE. Also, DISM can be used to fix the recovery image within an installation of the operating system and even to service a virtual hard disk.

If your computer begins to feel buggy and you notice problems during boot, you can use the System File Checker (SFC) command-line utility to check the integrity and replace any corrupted or missing protected system files with a known good version.

When SFC is unable to fix the problem, chances are the utility was unable to get the necessary files from the Windows image, which might have become broken. In this situation, you can use DISM to repair the Windows image (.wim), which then it will allow you to use the System File Checker to fix any issue with your Windows 10 installation.

In this Windows 10 guide, we'll walk you through the steps to use the command-line DISM to help you get your system back to a healthy state.

Before you begin
It's important to note that you'll be making changes to your computer, as such it's recommended to do a full backup or create a system restore point in case things go wrong, and you need to rollback the changes.

How to run DISM commands to fix Windows 10
There are three main options you can use with DISM to repair the Windows image on your computer, including CheckHealth, ScanHealth, and RestoreHealh -- and you want to use them in this order.

Using DISM with the CheckHealth option
Use the DISM command with the /CheckHealth switch to verify whether any corruption has been detected. This command can only be used to see if corruption exists, but it doesn't perform any repairs.

To run the command do the following:

Use the Windows key + X keyboard shortcut to open the Power User menu and select Command Prompt (Admin).
Type the following command and press Enter:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth

Using DISM with the ScanHealth option
Use the DISM command with the /ScanHealth switch to scan the Windows image for any corruption. Unlike the /CheckHealth, the /ScanHealth switch can take up to 10 minutes to complete the process.

To run the command do the following:

Use the Windows key + X keyboard shortcut to open the Power User menu and select Command Prompt (Admin).
Type the following command and press Enter:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth

Using DISM with the RestoreHearlh option
Use the DISM command with the /RestoreHealth switch to scan the Windows image for any corruption and to perform a repair automatically. Unlike the /ScanHealth switch, the /RestoreHealth switch can take up to 20 minutes to complete the process.

To run the command do the following:

Use the Windows key + X keyboard shortcut to open the Power User menu and select Command Prompt (Admin).
Type the following command and press Enter:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

Note: While the running DISM using the /RestoreHealth or /ScanHealth, you will notice the process will seem stuck at 20% or 40%, but it's normal behavior. After a few minutes, the operation will finish as expected.

When you run the command mentioned above, DISM will try to use Windows Update to replace the damaged files. However, if the problem has also extended to the Windows Update components, then you'll need to specify a source containing the known good files to repair the image.

Using DISM with the RestoreHearlh and Source options
You can specify a new location for the known good files by using the /Source switch alongside /RestoreHealth.

Before you can use the repair commands, you will either need a copy of the install.wim file from another computer, a Windows 10 installation media, or the Windows 10 ISO file. It's also very important that the source of the known good files matches the same version, edition, and language of the operating system you're using.

You can download the ISO for Windows 10 using these instructions:

Visit the Microsoft Windows 10 download page.
Click the Download tool now button.
Double-click the file to run the Media Creation Tool.
Follow the on-screen directions to create an ISO file with the same version and edition of your current version of Windows 10.
Once the process completes, double-click the file to mount the ISO, and note the drive letter as you'll need it set the source path.
Note: If you come across any issues using the ISO using the Media Creation Tool, you can try downloading the Windows 10 installation files from the Microsoft's Tech Bench Upgrade Program site.

Now you are ready to run the command to fix the Windows image:

Use the Windows key + X keyboard shortcut to open the Power User menu and select Command Prompt (Admin).
Type the following command and press Enter:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:repairSource\install.wim

Or you can also run the following to limit the use of Windows Update:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:repairSource\install.wim /LimitAccess

Alternatively, you can also use following variant of the previous command to accomplish the same task:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:wim:repairSource\install.wim:1 /LimitAccess

Note: Remember to replace "repairSource" for the path to the source with known good files. For example, D:\Sources\install.wim.

The command will perform a Windows image repair using the known good files included within the install.wim file using the Windows 10 installation media, and without trying to use Windows Update as a source to download the required files for repair.

Using DISM with an install.ESD file
Alternatively, you can not only specify a source pointing to install.WIM, but you can also use an install.ESD file, which is an encrypted version of Windows image.

If you have upgraded to Windows 10 from a previous version of the operating system, the installation files may still stored on the C: drive, which means that you may just have a source of known good files.

To use the install.esd to repair the Windows image in your computer use the following steps:

Use the Windows key + X keyboard shortcut to open the Power User menu and select Command Prompt (Admin).
Type the following command and press Enter:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:C:\$Windows.~BT\Sources\Install.esd

Or you can also run the following to limit the use of Windows Update:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:C:\$Windows.~BT\Sources\Install.esd /LimitAccess

Alternatively, you can also use following variant of the previous command to accomplish the same task:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:esd:C:\$Windows.~BT\Sources\Install.esd:1 /LimitAccess

Or if the install.esd is located on another drive use the following command:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:repairSource\Install.esd

Note: Remember to replace "repairSource" for the path to the source with known good files. For example, D:\Sources\install.esd.

The Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) utility will always create a log file at %windir%/Logs/CBS/CBS.log capturing any problems the command-line utility fixed or found.

How to repair Windows 10 problems
The instructions you've learned thus far are to repair the Windows image. Now you can use the Windows image to fix the problems in your Windows 10 installation using the System File Checker (SFC) utility.

Use the Windows key + X keyboard shortcut to open the Power User menu and select Command Prompt (Admin).
In the Command Prompt type the following command and press Enter:

sfc /scannow

Quick Tip: It could take up to three tries for SFC to fix the issue.

This SFC command will scan and repair system files on Windows 10, but now with access to replace missing or corrupted files using known good files from the Windows image.

There is more to SFC command-line utility. You can learn more about SFC in our previous Windows 10 guide.

lunes, 29 de octubre de 2018

Unable To Install Windows 7 HP AIO 20

Ok, here's the truth, don't waste your time downloading firmware updates or unscrambling about if there are USB 2.0 or 3.0 ports. If you have a newest pc or laptop desinged for run Windows 10, you need understand that WINDOWS 7 NOT HAVE USB 3.0 DRIVERS. In thar order of ideas here's the solution:

1) Take on hand a USB pen drive, 4GB prefered.

2) Download Windows USB/DVD Download Tool

3) Create a Bootable USB Windows 7 installer (You need a ISO installer)

4) Download THIS GREAT TOOL Intel USB 3.0 Creator Utility (thanks to GIGABYTE)

5) Run it, and Magically you can move your MOUSE and typing your KEYBOARD

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2018

Export and Import Dial-up and VPN Settings in Windows

Most of us don’t really need to create dial-up connections on Windows operating system anymore, thanks to routers which is very commonly being used today. Once the router is configured, it will automatically connect to the Internet when it is turned on and the computer that is connected to the router can instantly use the Internet connection.
However, I still have a DSL modem that I have to manually connect through dial-up which is very useful to troubleshoot Internet connectivity problems to determine if it is the router or ISP’s fault. Other than that, VPN connections that uses PPTP and L2TP also needs to be configured from the same area where you create dial-up connections that is in the Network and Sharing Center.
If you have previously setup a lot of VPN connections by saving the username, password and the VPN address in Windows, you may want to look for an automated way to export the VPN settings and then import it to another computer so that you don’t need to manually recreate the connections again. Here is how you can backup and restore the connection settings in Windows.
To backup dial-up connections and VPN settings:

1. Press Win+R to bring up with Run window, type %appdata% and hit Enter.
2. Go to Microsoft > Network > Connections and backup the Pbk folder.
Backup PBK folder
To restore the dial-up connections and VPN settings, simply overwrite the Pbk folder that you’ve backed up to the existing Pbk folder. Do take note that this will only restore the connection settings without the username and password because the credentials are tied to the unique SID (Security Identifier) and owner on the computer.
Theoretically you can change the SID, computer name, and user account name to match the old one so that the username and password are restored together with the connection settings but I won’t recommend you to do that unless you’re on a clean Windows. Another problem is a tool developed by Sysinternals called NewSID to change SID does not work on Windows 7. Sysprep only changes to a random SID but does not allow you to specify a SID. Ghost Walker works on Windows 7 but it is only bundled in their Ghost shareware.
What you can do is to use a tool called Dialupass by Nir Sofer to extract the username and password from the rasphone.pbk file and then manually key in the username and password on your connections.
Dialupass extract dialup connection
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